Saturday, 29 November 2014

subtitles or dubbing?

The last few years have seen a boom in the popularity of foreign films and television shows, especially in English. As a result, non-English-speaking audiences are getting used to subtitles and dubbing in their own languages. That is why, it seems interesting to discuss the reason why, in my opinion, it’s better to watch foreign movies with subtitles rather than the dubbed ones.

I have seen both subtitled and dubbed films, but I can tell that I find subtitling to be better. There are many reasons why I prefer this way of watching films, but the most important is  the occasion to learn some new language. In my opinion, subtitles can help a lot in learning new words and in acquiring a good accent. Understanding foreign speech is difficult and subtitles provide some lexical information.

Moreover, for me, it’s really distracting watching movies and hearing the sound which doesn’t correspond to the lip movements of the actors. The words coming out are often not synchronized and the dubbing voice doesn't match to the actors' characters.

But on the other hand, dubbing a program means that the audience doesn't have to read the dialogue while watching the show, so the attention is focused only on the image. However, according to me,  there is one particular situation where dubbing is the better method - cartoons for young children. There's a good reason for this: children can't read fast enough to understand the subtitles. That’s why, movies designed for them have to be dubbed.

To sum up, as far as I’m concerned, subtitles are better when it comes to watching foreign movies because they help in learning new language at the same time as enjoying the movies.

And what is your opinion about it? Do you think that it’s possible to learn a new language from watching foreign movies? Or do you prefer dubbed movies? J

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


I have just come back from Spain and inspired by conversation heard in the plane, I decided to write about travelling and its necessity. I was listening a little argument between two people (well, not quite polite from my part J ). One of them said that he can’t wait to come back home, to his comfortable bed and that “there is no place like home”. His friend, I guess, was really outraged and said that he can’t wait his next trip and he can’t stand at his own home more than one month. That’s why, I started to think about my own attitude to travelling.

Firstly, ok, it’s true that this popular proverb “there is no place like home” tells the truth. One can say that the best place for us is our home. In my opinion, it is connected with our attachment to our own place. People are used to their rooms, belongings and activities at home. When one is forced to leave, everything seems strange and hostile: a bed is uncomfortable, bathroom is ugly or a wardrobe is too small. And at home everything is suitable for you, everything is exactly the way you want it to be.

However, as far as I am concerned, travelling is an essential thing in our life. You have a possibility to discover new things, to meet new people of the different culture and to see how are they living. It broadens your mind and makes your life more interesting.

Ok, it can be expensive but, in my opinion, saving money does not make any sens! Waste some money! Go to the places which you have been dreaming about! Invest money on travelling, learn new things, learn new languages and complete your crazy dreams! J Nobody will ask you in 30 years what car you had in the past…The only thing you will have after these 30 years are memories.

Moreover, without travelling it's easy to believe there is only one way to live and only one way to think…BUT IT’S NOT TRUE! Travelling is the best way of having new experiences. Imagine climbing  a mountain or going for a walk on the beach, or going to a museum … Imagine the infinite possibilities travelling opens up for you.

To sum up, I think I am quite lucky, cause I've had a lot of possibilities to travel around the world and I can surely say that it’s one of the best things you can do in your life! And what is your opinion about it? Do you prefer to stay at home or to travel? What type of  person are you: “home-bird” or just the opposite?